Established in Sept. 2001, Violet Ribbon Campaign (VRC) is a California Non-Profit Corporation dedicated to increasing public awareness and community education for Hodgkin’s disease, a cancer of the lymph system. 

James and Rachel at the L.A. Marathon

James and Rachel at the L.A. Marathon

VRC hopes that by raising recognition of Hodgkin’s Disease they can increase an understanding in society of the need for funding for both support programs within the Hodgkin's community as well as the research of new, more tolerable treatments. VRC was the vision of a young Hodgkin's patient that no one affected by this disease should feel alone or unsupported.

About the Founders
The Significance of the Violet Ribbon

The Campaign's Official Mission...
The Violet Ribbon Campaign is a movement to unify Hodgkin’s disease survivors by making communication for patients and survivors more accessible, increasing activism among the community, and as a united group fighting for improved quality of life. 

Web Design and Creation by Matthew J. Terry
MMI Violet Ribbon Campaign, A California Tax-Exempt Corporation
Web Design and Creation by Matthew J. Terry, Terry Design.