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The Violet Ribbon Campaign (VRC) is working to create a support community for those affected by Hodgkin's Lymphoma by uniting patients, families, caregivers, friends, medical professionals, and communities.  Established in Sept. 2001, VRC was the vision of a Hodgkin's patient that no one affected by this disease should feel alone or unsupported through this very sensitive time in their lives.

"African Violets" by Jeralyn Terry

"African Violets" by Jeralyn Terry

VRC hopes to unite the community in support of Hodgkin's patients and their loved ones through the distribution of Violet Ribbons. The Campaign's mission is that through the united bond of the Violet Ribbon they will create communication, increase activism, and help fight for improved quality of life. 

Proceeds from all donations go to research and support programs that directly benefit Hodgkin's patients and their loved ones.

For further resources or support for a patient or loved one, please visit, the online resource for Hodgkin's Lymphoma information and assistance.

U P C O M I N G   E V E N T S
KDH Hodgkin's Fundraiser in NYC

The KDH Hodgkin's Disease Foundation will hold their first annual Fundraiser on July 22, 2002 in New York City. The gala event will beheld at Eden, located at 28 West 20th St from 6 to 10 in the evening. Scheduled for the event will be live entertainment, DJ and dancing, elaborate Hors D'Ouerves and open bar, plus raffles for door prizes and gift bags! Not to mention, a few surprise celebrity appearances! 

Tickets cost $150 in advance and $200 at the door. Tickets available online at Ticketweb or by phone at 1-866-468-7619. Proceeds from the event will directly benefit clinical trial research at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

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Web Design and Creation by Matthew J. Terry
MMI Violet Ribbon Campaign, A California Tax-Exempt Corporation
Web Design and Creation by Matthew J. Terry, Terry Design.